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10 Things You Need To Know Before Buying Marriott Vacation Club Points


Buying Marriott’s Abound Club points can be an excellent way to enjoy flexible, upscale vacation experiences at a variety of properties worldwide, but it’s crucial to understand the key aspects of ownership before making a purchase.

This guide outlines ten essential considerations to help you make an informed decision, and get the most value from your Marriott points.

Retail Prices Are Expensive Compared To Resale

Marriott Vacation Club points purchased directly from Marriott tend to come with a high price tag. On the resale market, you can often find points at a significantly lower cost. Understanding these differences can save you substantial amounts of money.

Buying directly from Marriott, prices often exceed $16.50 per point. A purchase of just 1,000 points can cost over $16,000. On the resale market, these points can often be obtained at a significantly lower cost, even when accounting for the transfer costs that are required on the resale market, making it an attractive option for many buyers.


Transfer / Closing Costs

When purchasing Marriott Vacation Club points on the resale market, there are a few fees that are required to be paid by the buyer in order to transfer a points-based Marriott Vacation Club timeshare into their name. There are four main fees to be aware of:

  • Transfer Fee: $750 per beneficial interest (per 250 Vacation Points) with a minimum of $3,000
  • Owner Education Fee: $300 (not charged if buyer has existing points ownership)
  • Right of First Refusal (ROFR) Waiver Fee: $95 (per contract purchased)

You May Need More Points Than You Think!

Purchasing a small number of points (1,000-2,000) might not be enough to book desirable vacations, especially in prime locations or during peak seasons. It’s important to evaluate your vacation needs thoroughly to ensure you buy an adequate number of points.

If you’d like to take a deep dive into this topic, check out our guide here: How To Determine How Many Marriott Vacation Club Points To Buy.

Start Planning Your Reservations Ahead of Time for Better Availability

Booking prime locations during peak seasons can require some planning ahead due to availability. Planning your reservations well in advance increases your chances of securing these hard-to-get accommodations.

With Marriott points, depending on your membership level, you can book up to 13 months in advance, which greatly increases your chances of booking these highly desirable reservations. For less-than-peak travel periods or locations with a high number of villas, last-minute trips can be much easier to book, but it’s always recommended to book as early as possible for maximum availability.

Benefit Level Annual Vacation Club Points 13 Months Prior to Check-In 12 Months Prior to Check-In 10 Months Prior to Check-In
Owner Up to 3,999 7 or more consecutive nights with a 20% Point Premium 7 or more consecutive nights Any number of nights
Select 4,000 to 6,999 7 or more consecutive nights Any number of nights


Chairman’s Club

7,000 and higher Any number of nights

To learn more about booking windows, check out our article on the subject here: How Far In Advance Can I Book Using Marriott Abound Club Points?

Explorer Collection Cruises and Tours Aren’t The Best Use of Your Points

While Marriott offers various travel experiences such as cruises and tours through the Explorer Collection, these options may not provide the best value for your points. It’s often more advantageous to use your points for stays within the Marriott Vacation Club network.

While using the Explorer Collection can be a novel way to use your Abound Club points, booking these experiences with cash typically results in better deals, allowing you to use your points more effectively within the Marriott Vacation Club resort network.

Annual Maintenance Fees & Club Dues

Maintenance fees are a significant aspect of any timeshare ownership. These annual fees can impact the overall cost of ownership, so it’s essential to account for them in your budget. While the annual costs for Marriott points can be higher when compared to a Marriott legacy week, many travelers value the flexibility afforded by the points-based reservation system.

2024 Maintenance Fees

Per Annual Point $0.78748 / Point
Per Beneficial Interest (BI) $196.87 / BI

Understanding Your Use Year


Your Use Year determines the timeframe during which you can use your points, which relates to the time of year your points are deposited into your account, as well as their expiration date and your banking deadlines.

Benefit Level Annual Vacation Club Points Banking Deadline* Use Banked Vacation Club Points
Owner Up to 3,999 6 months Within the immediately following Use Year
Select 4,000 to 6,999 6 months
Executive 7,000 to 9,999 4 months
Presidential 10,000 to 14,999 4 months Within the following 1.5 Use Years
Chairman’s Club 15,000 or more 4 months Within the following 2 Use Years
*Prior to the end of current use year

Aligning your Use Year with your travel habits is could help to avoid issues with expiring Club Points, and shift the time of travel further away from your banking deadline.

If you’d like to learn what Marriott Vacation Club Use Year is, how it works, and what Use Year could work the best for your personal travel style, check out our deep-dive here: Marriott Vacation Club Use Year: Everything You Need To Know

Understanding the Resale Value of Your Points

Timeshares purchased directly from the developer, including Marriott Vacation Club points, typically lose about 75% of their value immediately after the recession period ends. Knowing this can help set realistic expectations about the long-term financial implications of your purchase.

Before purchasing, research the resale value on the secondary market, and consider purchasing your points from a Licensed Real Estate Broker who specializes in Marriott resale to avoid losses in the case your need to resell your ownership.

Never Pay Full Retail Price

Due to the availability of resale points, paying full retail price is often unnecessary. Look for reputable resale brokers who can offer points at a fraction of the retail cost, providing significant savings.

Understanding the Resale Market

Navigating the resale market requires diligence and awareness of potential pitfalls. Ensure you work with licensed brokers and thoroughly vet any resale opportunities to avoid scams and ensure a legitimate transaction.

Compare Purchasing Marriott Vacation Club Deeded Weeks

For some buyers who don’t prize the flexibility offered by points, purchasing a deeded legacy week might be a more cost-effective option. Deeded weeks guarantee a week at a specific resort and time each year, offering predictability but less flexibility compared to points.

For those who frequently visit the same resort, or are willing to learn how to use Interval International for exchanges, purchasing deeded weeks can be an excellent alternative. Deeded Marriott weeks can be purchased for very affordable prices on the resale market, and in some cases, can offer lower annual costs as well.

If you’d like to learn what the differences are, the benefits of each timeshare ownership, and which one is right for your purchase on the resale market, check out comparison here: Marriott Legacy Weeks vs Abound Club Points on the Resale Market.

Final Thoughts

Navigating the complexities of buying Marriott Vacation Club points requires careful consideration of various factors, from costs and usage to the resale market. By understanding these key aspects, you can make a well-informed decision that aligns with your vacation preferences and financial expectations. Thorough research and strategic planning will help ensure that your investment in Marriott points delivers lasting value and memorable vacation experiences.

Discussing your needs and personal style of travel with a knowledgeable timeshare broker will help determine what considerations are most important for you and your family. Feel free to contact us today for a free consultation with one of our licensed Marriott Vacation Club specialists.

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